Junior Leadership Team
At Shade, our pupil voice is heard the loudest through our Junior Leadership Team. The JLT is led by our two Head Students and is made up of two pupils from each year group. The Head Students are voted for by the whole school after reading their manifestos in an assembly. The other JLT members put themselves forward by reading manifestos to their class and are then voted for anonymously.
JLT 2024
So far this year JLT have:
- Visited St Mary's Church to deliver food bank donations.
- Hosted a Remembrance Day Art Exhibition.
- Written a pupil questionnaire for the whole school to gain insight into children's feelings towards school.
Last year the JLT's main project was working with Miss McCracken to develop and introduce our 'GOLDEN' values. They also organised and ran charity events, delivered donations to the food bank and audited our PE equipment.