Healthy Pupils
Here at Shade School, we are very keen to promote good health among our pupils. Our school lunches, from the local High School, are excellent - providing healthy, nutritious and tasty food for your children.
For those bringing packed lunches, we encourage healthy contents, such as sandwiches, fruit and a drink - no sweets, bars of chocolate or cans of fizzy drinks.
Children under 5 have milk provided at mid-morning break, with children being given a piece of fruit in the morning in EYFS and KS1.
We also encourage children to drink water throughout the day, as research proves that regular intake of water increases concentration levels.
School Nursing
School Nursing is now provided by the Locala Team on behalf of the NHS.
Your School Nursing Team is made up of registered nurses some with a specialist qualification in School Nursing, a School Nurse Team Leader and School Nurse Assistants. This team works alongside children and families, school staff and other professionals.
Calderdale School Nursing patient leaflet
Family Hubs Website- information on health and wellbeing