Shade Primary School

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Knowlwood Road, Todmorden, Lancashire OL14 7PD

01706 812913

Shade Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

  1. Curriculum
  2. Subjects
  3. PE


Quick links:

 PE long term plan

Mr Green is Shade's PE leader.

Mrs Rez is part of the PE team. She teaches PE during PPA and runs extra-curricular sports clubs.

At Shade, PE is an integral part of the curriculum. We give the children the opportunity to experience a range of sporting activities and to compete in competitions, aimed at all abilities. We provide children with the chance to excel and showcase their talents in a variety of different sports. Every child participates in at least two hours of PE per week and alongside this we offer a number of before and after school clubs across both key stages. We ensure that sporting opportunities are varied in order to increase participation and encourage children to try new sports.


PE at KS1

We offer a broad curriculum which allows children to develop their fundamental movement skills and increase confidence in balance, agility and coordination. Children participate in a range of competitive and cooperative sports including dance and gymnastics, multi skills, throwing and catching and invasion games. We work with a number of local specialist coaches to ensure that staff skills, knowledge and understanding are constantly improving.


PE at KS2

We offer a wide variety of sports on a one-year cycle. This ensures children develop skills in gymnastics and dance, net and wall games, invasion sports, inclusion sports, striking and fielding, outdoor and adventure, world sports and athletics. Due to having our own swimming pool, our children start learning to swim in Year 1 and continue until the end of Year 5. We aim for all children to achieve their National Curriculum Swimming Award. We offer top-up swimming lessons for children in Year 6 who have not yet achieve the required standards in swimming.

We continue to develop CPD for teaching staff to ensure high quality provision is delivered. We work with a number of local specialist coaches to ensure that staff skills, knowledge and understanding are constantly improving.

Children have many opportunities to attend competitive sporting events and tournaments outside of school lessons.


Inter school Competitions

This year so far, we have been involved in lots of different  competitions against other schools in the local area.

In KS2 a number of children took part in the Cross Country Race at Centre Vale Park in Todmorden, with a number of children qualifying to the Calderdale event and then onto the West Yorkshire Event at Leeds.

Earlier in the Year the girls football team, who train hard on a Monday morning before school competed in a 5 aside competition at Littleborough and performed very well. There are now 11 girls from Y5/6  and 1 from Y4 training on a Monday and they love it, all are making super progress and developing their skills every week.

The boy's football team is competing against teams from Todmorden and Littleborough in 9 aside matches. There will be 8 games in total over the Spring and Summer term. They are all looking forward to the games.

The Swimming Gala  was a huge success with Shade coming second overall. All children thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Classes from Reception, Y1/2/3 all competed in a Multi-sports competition at the Sports Centre against other teams from Todmorden Schools. Again all the children were very excited to be involved and worked hard as a team to gain lots of points for the school. Year 3 were the overall winners of their competition.